DAN073-24-3749 Jos De Klak
3479 is a very special female. She have 12 flight feathers and 11 on the other. First time I have seen 12 flight feathers. 3749 look very much like her grandmother 03-8010, 8010 had 11 flight feathers on each wing. Super good and long body.
3479 is daughter of: DAN073-11-2384 Jos De Klak. Barnebarn af 613 and DAN073-13-651 Jos De Klak. Granddaughter 613
3479 is granddaughter of: NL-99-1209802 Jos De Klak. Foundation pigeon. Direct son of 613 + NL-03-1408010 Jos De Klak. Foundation pigeon + NL-99-1209719 Jos De Klak. Son 613 + DAN073-11-2996 Jos De Klak