Blue-Brobech (Old blue family. Delbar + Grondelearse from my grandfather)
The Brobech blue family was startet in 1992 when Anders bought “The old blue couple” this couple is parents to:
- DAN115-93-632 Ymer Foundation pigeon
- DAN115-93-521 grandfather to 115-00-308 Modi Blue-Brøbech
- DAN115-93-504 Top racer
- DAN208-88-384 Top racer and top breeder
- DAN115-93-625
- The youngsters from the old blue pair was paired with DAN208-97-300 Delbar DAN115-00-424 Freja and other top females.
DAN115-93-632 is on of the foundation pigeons of the blue family. From 632 comes:
- DAN115-99-231 Blue-Brøbech Section winner Basel 1015 km.
- DAN115-01-553 Frkek Stamhun
- DAN115-02-414 father to DAN073-09-1120 Dobbelt barnebarn af 632
- DAN073-04-404 Blå Brøbech. Super due. Direkte på 632+300
- DAN115-06-1742 Blue-Brøbech
- DAN073-07-254. Søn 632. Super due
- DAN073-07-1239 Brøbech. Datter af 632
- DAN108-07-1488 Søn af 632
The old blue couple was separated in 1989 and paired to tow other pigeons. In this way DAN208-89-406 and DAN208-89-410 was breed. 406 and 410 become parents to DAN208-93-2. See the pedigree 208-93-2 Odin Stamhan
Odin is the absolut foundation pigeon of the blue family. From Odin comes:
- DAN115-99-812 Jack 812
- DAN115-06-1108 Stamhan. Far og bedstefar til Nationalvindere
- DAN115-01-492 Helbror til 812
- DAN115-01-525
- DAN115-03-320 søn af nr. 2
- DAN115-03-319 mother to DAN073-12-661 Blå Brøbech meget indavlet på Nr. 2
- DAN073-04-487 Søn af nr. 2
- DAN073-05-660 Blå-Brøbech
- DAN073-05-747 Superavler. Søn af 93-2
- DAN073-05-796
- DAN073-04-401
- DAN073-04-400
Jack 812 is the best son of no. 2 together with 1108. From 812 comes:
- DAN073-05-702 Stamhan
- DAN115-00-297 Sif
- 115-01-466 Jackson
- 115-01-549 Maude
- 115-02-360 Sidny
- 115-03-79
- DAN115-03-127 Blå-Brøbech
- DAN115-06-1112 Miss America. Superavler. Datter af 812
- DAN115-06-1714 Blå-Brøbech
- DAN073-07-251 Helsøster til 702
- DAN073-09-1083 Blue-Brøbech. Son of 812
- DAN073-11-2583 Blue-Brøbech. Son of 812
- DAN073-11-2803 mother to over 10 section winners at John C. Engel
- DAN073-11-2268 father to over 10 sections winners at Torben Mortensen
From 1108 comes:
- DAN073-09-41
- DAN073-13-1195 Gruppevinder Antwerpen 2014
- DAN073-14-3575 1. Nat. Freiburg 906 km. Foundation pigeon.
- DAN073-14-3734 Blue-Brøbech. Very inbred to 93-2
- DAN073-14-3861 Helbror til 1. Nat. Frieburg 906km.
- DAN073-14-4123 Mother to DAN073-17-1066 Ace-pigeon No. 1 female Long DDB 2020
- DAN073-15-2130 Blue-Brobech
- DAN073-17-19 Brøbech-Klak
- DAN073-17-176 Datter og søster til Nationalvinder
- DAN073-17-679 Blue-Brøbech. Brother 1. Nat.
- DAN073-17-1003 Halvbror til 1. Nat. Freiburg 906km
- DAN073-17-1004 Blå-Brøbech. Søster til national vinder.
Now we jump to the best son from 812. DAN073-05-702 Stamhan from 702 comes:
- 115-06-1597 Golden Lady
- DAN073-07-270 Blue-Brøbech. Father to No. 1 Nat. Baden-Baden 816 km.
- DAN073-08-608 Blå-Brøbech. Stamhun
- DAN073-09-1145 Dragon Blue Brobech
- DAN073-09-1146 Blue-Brøbech. Son of 702
- DAN073-12-228 Nr. 5 nat. fra München 881km
- DAN073-12-867 father to DAN073-17-74 Brøbech. No. 2 Nat. Paris 998 km.
- DAN073-13-562 Indavlet søn af 702
- DAN073-13-815 Blå-Brøbech
- DAN073-13-859. Blue-Brøbech. Daughter of 702
- DAN073-14-3675 Datter af 702. Dobbelt barnebarn af 812
- DAN250-14-3987 Blue-Broebech. Son 702
- DAN250-14-3990 Datter af 702
- DAN073-15-2420 Blue-Brøbech. Son 702
DAN073-07-270 Blue-Brøbech. and from 270 comes DAN073-14-4104 No. 1 Nat. Baden-Baden 816 km.