No. 1,2,8,11,14,16,19,25,28,29,31,32,33,40,47,51,56,58,63,71,82,89,95 in the section.
No. 1/480 i section from Schleswig 174 km.
no. 2/260 in section and no. 11/1192 semi-nat. From Antwerp 621 km.
no. 11/139 in section and no. 19/872 nat. from München 881 km.
no. 8/55 in section and no. 35/449 nat. from Baden-Baden 811 km.
no. 16/545 in section and no. 69/2294 semi-nat. from Stendal 414 km.
no. 19/648 in sect. from Henstedt 253 km.
no. 14/90 in sect. and no. 50/686 nat. from München 881 km.
no. 28/112 in section and no. 89/724 nat. from Freiburg 906 km.
55 is daughter of DAN246-07-98 and DAN073-08-668 Flor Engels