DAN073-13-694 is daughter of DAN115-03-711 & DAN073-07-1075 Brøbech lang
694 is breed from the very old lines of the Brøbech Marathon family. Pigeons for the real hard work.
694 is mother to:
No. 10/131 local, No. 135/542 sect. Calle 389 km.
No. 32/202 sect. No. 73/696 Reg. Giessen 635 km.
No. 36/115 sect, No. 109/501 Reg. Karlsruhe 806 km.
No. 46/170 sect. No. 119/534 Reg. Gotha 581 km.
No. 47/905 sect. Aabenraa 119 km.
No. 56/247 sect. No. 177/729 Reg. Bad Hersfeld 574 km.
No. 117/382 Nat. Rouen 942 km.
No. 201/1474 Reg. Hannover 420 km.
Ace-pigeon No. 7 long 2020.