DAN073-16-495 Blue Female
No. 1/253 sect. No. 3/939 semi-nat. Gotha 581 km 1031 mpm. Extremely hard race.
No. 1/432 sect. Aabenraa 119 km. 1415 mpm. Easy race.
No. 9/148 Nat. Karlsruhe 786km. 902 mpm. Extremely hard race.
No. 9/182 sect. No. 20/764 semi-nat. Giessen 621 km.
No. 10/169 sect. No. 20/698 semi-nat. Dresden 600 km.
No. 12/200 sect. No. 63/893 semi-nat. Altona 275 km
No. 13/265 sect. No. 33/999 semi-nat. Gotha 581 km.
No. 15/61 local. Antwerp 658 km.
No. 28/125 sect. No. 95/506 semi-nat. Paderborn 496 km.
No. 41/204 sect. No. 101/689 semi-nat. Giessen 621 km.
No. 46/282 sect. No. 97/1099 semi-nat. Minden 427km.
No. 43/391 sect. No. 95/1050 semi-nat. Osnabrück 416km.
No. 49/175 sect. No. 133/751 semi-nat. Antwerp 619 km.
No. 49/210 sect. No. 158/634 semi-nat. Dresden 614km.
No. 75/257 Nat. Würzburg 700 km.
No. 77/491 sect. Tønder 142 km.
No. 84/582 sect. Tønder 142 km.
No. 178/1180 semi-nat. Göttingen 514 km.
No. 212/2155 semi-nat. Soltau 349 km.
Ace-pigeon No. 1 yearling female section 33 2017
Ace-pigeon No. 7 female DDB flights Section 33. 2017
Ace-pigeon No. 6 female DDB. 2017.
Ace-pigeon No. 2 female long DDB 2017
Best yearling female National 2017.
Ace-pigeon No. 4 female long DDB 2018.
Grandmother to 495 is DAN073-07-1239 Brøbech. Datter af 632 foundation pigeon Blue-Brøbech (Old blue family. Delbar + Grondelearse from my grandfather)
1239 is mother to:
DAN073-17-271 National winner DAN073-17-271 Engels-Brøbech. Nationalvinder Karlsruhe 777 km.
No. 1/361 Nat. Karlsruhe 777 km. 998 mpm.
Released at 06:00 Home 18:57. With 998 mpm. 271 have a lead by 1 hour and 39 minutes to the second pigeon national. The second pigeon National was also my pigeon.
No. 4/368 sect. No. 6/1200 semi-nat. Göttingen 485km.
No. 4/242 sect. No. 35/802 semi-nat. Antwerp 628 km.
No. 17/319 sect. No. 85/1133 semi-nat. Hannover 421km.
No. 20/210 sect. No. 68/634 semi-nat. Dresden 614 km.
No. 23/204 sect. No. 59/689 semi-nat. Giessen 622 km.
Ace-pigeon No. 1 Long female DDB 2018
2. best yearling national 2018
Grandmother to 495 is Bel-08-4351169 Hebberecht. Super avlshun Org. Chris Hebberecht. One of my best breeding females.
169 is mother to:
No. 3/676 sect. Schleswig 174 km.
No. 4/461 sect. Hannover 421km.
No. 12/172 Nat. Freiburg 906 km.
No. 80/686 Nat. München 881km.
No. 8/134 sect. No. 15/585 semi-nat. Wurzbürg 707 km.
No. 10/142 sect. No. 28/1447 Nat. Giessen 622 km.
No. 10/179 sect. No. 24/1711 Nat. Göttingen 515 km.
No. 3/262 sect. No. 6/911 semi-nat. Soltau 343km.
No. 6/512 sect. Padborg 143 km.
No. 8/671 sect. Altona 274 km.
No. 9/417 sect. Tønder 142 km.
No. 19/382 sect. No. 62/1412 semi-nat. Celle 389 km.
DAN073-16-350 DAN073-16-350 Aarden-Hebberecht. Sektionsvinder Antwerpen
No. 1/254 sect. No. 4/1119 semi-nat. Antwerp 616 km.
No. 6/303 local No. 129/1050 sect. Henstedt 253km.
No. 9/148 Nat. Karlsruhe 786 km.
No. 12/242 sect. No. 51/802 Semi-nat. Antwerp 628 km.
No. 13/798 sect. Altona 274 km.
No. 15/242 sect. No. 43/1077 semi-nat. Soltau 343 km.
No. 24/253 sect. No. 42/925 semi-nat. Gotha 581 km.
No. 38/169 sect. No. 129/668 semi-nat. Dresden 600 km.
No. 40/282 sect. No. 82/1099 Semi-nat. Minden 427 km.
Ace-pigeon No. 8 Male long section 33 DDB 2017.
Grandfather to 495 is 115-03-307