No. 3/705 Semi-nat. Antwerpen 650 km.
894 is daughter of BEL-06-4378486 Hebberecht and DAN073-12-860 Hebberecht. Dobbelt barnebarn af Jef
894 is granddaughter of Bel-08-4351164 Hebberecht. Søn af Jef and Hebberecht BEL-07-4361026 Daughter Jef. Foundation pigeon
894 is half-sister to the new super star DAN073-20-4127 The New King. 1. Nat. Ace-pigeon
894 is mother to:
Winner of No. 2 Nat. and No. 189/3175 Finale Golden Algarve 2023. Very hard race. No pigeons on the day.