DAN073-17-701 Dark check male.
No. 3/124 sect. No. 10/677 Nat. München 889 km. 982 mpm. Released 07:30 Home next day 06:25
No. 7/43 sect. No. 10/285 Nat. Karlsruhe 806 km. Released 06:45 Home 19:19
No. 8/88 sect. No. 18/407 Nat. Freiburg 910 km. 1526 mpm. Released 14:30 Home next day 08:06
No. 11/70 sect. No. 35/360 Nat. Baden-Baden 811 km. 896 mpm. Released 18:00 Home next day 15:42
No. 13/65 local, No. 57/222 sect. Husum 185 km.
No. 17/46 sect. No. 45/232 Nat. Freiburg 910 km. 435 mpm. Released 14:15 Home two days after at 12:39
No. 17/185 local Altona 274 km.
No. 18/60 sect. No. 45/257 Nat. Würzburg 700 km. 548 mpm. Released 06:00 Home next day 08:25
No. 23/222 sect. No. 57/663 reg. Karlsruhe 777 km. 639 mpm. Released 06:00 Home next day 08:17
Ace-pigeon No. 3 marathon. National 2020. From München 2020. 701 was only beaten by loft mate in the section.
Father of 701 is NL-14-1919220 Jan Aarden. Far til Nationalvinder Freiburg 910km.
220 is my best breeding pigeons for the real long distance. 220 Is a perfect pigeon in the hand.
220 is Father to:
DAN073-16-1002 National Winner DAN073-16-1002 Jan Aarden – Janssen. Nationalvinder Frieburg 910km.
No. 1/55 sect. No. 1/270 Nat. Freiburg 910 km. 701 mpm. Released 06:00 Home next day 09:17
No. 26/106 local, No. 44/204 sect. No. 111/689 Semi-nat. Giessen 635 km.
No. 44/253 sect. No. 99/939 semi-nat. Gotha 581 km.
No. 45/148 Nat. Karlsruhe 786 km. 581 mpm. Released 06:00 Home next day 10:39
The pigeon was released in Freiburg at 06:00 Home next day at 09:17 one of the hardest races ever in Denmark 32 degrees and north eastern wind. Only 20% of the pigeon came home with a speed over 333 mpm. It was one of my biggest wins ever. I have the 4 first pigeon National. 1002 was a late breed from November 2016 so he was only a bit more than á year old. When he wins the 1. Nat.
220 is Grandfather to:
No. 4/70 sect. No. 11/360 Nat. Baden-Baden 811 km. 998 mpm. Released 18:00 Home 14:09
No. 4/57 local, No. 5/115 sect. No. 16/501 Semi-nat. Karlsruhe 806 km. 1081 mpm. Released 07:15 Home 19:40
No. 4/213 local, No. 83/740 sect. Padborg 143 km.
No. 6/143 local Husum 183km.
No. 8/210 local, No. 14/1183 sect. Tønder 142 km.
No. 10/102 local Tønder 142 km.
No. 11/160 local Tønder 142 km.
No. 12/202 local Padborg 143 km.
No. 15/111 local Bremen 350 km.
No. 16/125 local, No. 28/210 sect. No. 94/634 semi-nat. Dresden 614 km.
No. 21/153 local Tønder 142 km.
No. 28/216 local Altona 274 km.
No. 72/361 Nat. Karlsruhe 777 km. 549 mpm. Released 06:00 Home next day 11:05
No. 1/45 local, No. 37/334 sect. No. 155/1407 Reg. Hannover 420 km.
No. 2/21 local, No. 44/578 sect. Husum 183 km.
No. 4/202 local, No. 27/873 sect. Padborg 143 km.
No. 5/118 local, No. 9/202 sect. No. 17/696 Reg. Giesen 635 km.
No. 9/65 local, No. 13/222 sect. Husum 185 km.
No. 194/360 Nat. Baden-Baden 811 km.
Mother to 701 is DAN073-16-396 Far og mor er Nationalvindere Directly daughter of two National winners.
Grandfather to 701 is DAN073-14-3575 Nationalvinder Frieburg 906km 2016
No. 1 National Freiburg 906 km. No. 1/566 pigeon national.
The pigeon was released Friday at 15:00. 3575 came home Saturday morning at 07:54 with 1682 mpm. 3575 have a lead on 2 times and 5 minutes to the second pigeon national and 3575 must fly 120 km more than number two national. It was a rainy day with cold and windy wetter.
No. 26/79 sect. No. 104/373 nat. Regensburg 801 km.
No. 141/638 semi-nat. Würzburg 707 km
3575 has only be on 3 flights over 700 km.
3575 are a late breed. Born 20-9-2014 and win 1. National the second time he was entered on a marathon flight.
Grandmother to 701 is DAN073-11-2081 Nationalvinder Limburg 2014. Mor til Nationalvinder Frieburg 2016 National winner.
2081 won:
No. 1/81 sect. No. 1/775 Nat. Limburg 643 km.
No. 2/60 sect. No. 6/488 Nat. Giessen 622 km.
No. 3/60 sect. No. 7/393 Nat. Karlsruhe 786 km.
No. 5/92 sect. No. 36/611 Nat. München 881 km.
No. 7/312 Reg. No. 17/686 Nat. München 881 km.
No. 6/44 sect. No. 32/321 Nat. Karlsruhe 786 km